Among Us

Among Us is an online game designed for multiplayer play. Here players are divided into two different groups. They act as a spaceship crew. But among them are the villains who try to kill the other members of the team, and there are ordinary people who try to save everyone. Players must try to find the traitors to determine which of them spoils everything for which they are given several moves. During the game, you are required to vote for alleged traitors to be removed from the ship. It has to be done before they kill everyone.

How to play it?

Each game starts when the characters encounter problems on a spaceship. Each character is assigned a role the others do not know about. This creates the main interest, as you need to follow the actions of other players to guess who they are. During the passage, the crew members have to perform a number of tasks. The traitors try to kill their rivals, as well as to damage the ship’s systems. But they cannot reveal themselves. You can call a meeting after someone discovers a corpse. All players, including the hidden traitors, figure out who the traitor is. The game continues and ends with a victory when all the tasks on the ship can be completed or all the villains can be identified and expelled from the team. The second team wins if they manage to destroy all crew members or destroy the ship.

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